Olympus Camedia C-30x0 Cameras

These are pages devoted to the C-30x0Z cameras from Olympus: C-3000Z, C-3030Z, C-3020Z, and C-3040Z, all being modifications of basically the same design. Most of the contents is also applicable directly to the C-40x0 series.

These cameras were made in 2000 (C-3030Z, C-3000Z) and in 2001 (C-3040Z, C-3020Z, with the last model reaching into 2002. The articles here are, however, not just of historical significance; as of this update (2006) many of them are still being used, providing very good results. And they will continue for some time to come.

The Articles:

Web resources

  • There is a gold mine of digital photography information, much of it specific to the 2000/3000 series, at the dpFWIW, or Digital Photography for What It's Worth site by Jeremy McCreary.

    This is the No. 1 Olympus C-30x0Z resource I was able to find — and one of the very few where original contents prevails over form.

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Posted 2005/08/07; last updated 2006/11/29 Copyright © 2005-2006 by J. Andrzej Wrotniak